
           Today is a really big day. Today is my regional semifinals game. I am so nervous, volleyball-306791_960_720anxious, excited. Basically any emotion you would have before a game I’m having. This is the farthest I have ever been in the tournament so this is all new for me. To build on my nerves I heard that a lot of people from my school are finally going to come to a game which is amazing but makes me even more nervous because now I’m going to feel pressured to play really really good. I don’t want this to be our last game because this is the closest I have ever been with my team. We are all basically best friends practically family and I don’t want that all to end today. I’m not ready to give that up yet. I’m not ready to play my last game with the seniors. I’m not ready to say goodbye to everyone. I know every team says that they are good and they think they could make it to state and most of them suck, but I truly believe that for my team. We have such a solid and strong team. I genuinely believe we could do this and could go far. I really think this could be our year. Right now we are 22-3. Two games from the state tournament. Three games from the state finals. So fingers crossed. GO COUGS!!!!

Volleyball Sport Black And White by Clker-Free-Vector-Images licensed by CC0 Creative Commons 


basketball-player-girls-basketball-girl-159607October 27 is my favorite day of the year. Why? One reason, it is the start of the school basketball season!! I love it so much . Yeah, it isn’t fun to run all the sprints,suicides, or ladders. But what is fun is all the memories and stories you are going to create. Or becoming close with people you have never talked to before. From all the bus rides listening to music and screaming lyrics with your friends. To going into overtime and feeling the adrenaline and intensity course through you more and more. Or for the simple fact of 15 kids who weren’t close at all before now becoming a family and creating a special bond. It’s one of the best feelings that you can’t describe.  And there may be times you want to quit or give up but all of it is worth it. It’s worth waking up at 6 in the morning for those morning workouts. It’s worth your whole body being sore and unable to move because of how hard you were pushed the day before. It’s worth it.

Women in Blue and White Basketball Jersey holding Brown by Pixabay licensed by CC0 License 


packing-40916_960_720I transferred to KR my freshmen year. At first, I didn’t want to come. I hated the idea of being here and leaving my old friends behind. I thought it was going to be the end of the world. That I would never make friends here or fit in. Before I moved I always would hear the rumors about this school. About how everyone here is stuck up and how they’ll smile to your face but won’t hesitate to stab you in the back. So when I did get here I didn’t really talk to anyone because I heard all the stories so I didn’t even want to give this school or the people in it a chance. I’m glad I did though. Around the start of October freshmen I started getting used to this school, and honestly, it wasn’t any different than my old one. I’ve been here for three years now and honestly, I can say I’m glad I came here. Sure there has been drama and some teachers have annoyed me but truly I do like this school. The friends that I have made have helped me through so much in my life and I’m so grateful for them.

Moving by Clker-Free-Vector-Images licensed under  Creative Commons CC0

Is homecoming worth it?

As homecoming is approaching us I see more and more of my friends start to become stressed out. And my question is is it worth it? Is it worth the hassle of finding a date, and making a group? Or for girls is it really worth spending hundreds of dollars on a dress, shoes, makeup, and jewelry just to be worn for one night? Or for guys is it worth paying for you and your dates dinner, the tickets, and corsage? Right now almost all my friends are in a frenzy about whos going with who. And whos going to be in whos group. Or where and when the pictures are gonna be. Some don’t even know where what time they’re eating! What do you think, is it worth it?

dress-2167091_960_720“onikflores ”   Creative Commons CC0


Why I play the Game that I love

16388247_1283379488396624_4145804255821480867_nMy friends always ask me why I play. Why do I give up my summers, weekends, or any free time I have to just shoot a ball through a hoop. They always tell me it is just a sport it isn’t everything. But to me it is. I started playing when I was 5 years old and ever since then I’ve been in love with it. It is so much more than a sport. The game of basketball has taught me to always stay humble and grounded. It has taught me that you have to work for what you want because nothing is handed to you. Because of basketball, I am a stronger person. Not just physically but mentally also. Yes, the game does deal with some physicality, but the main part of it is mental. It has tested my limits and broken them. It has pushed me to where I thought I couldn’t go any further or where at times I wanted to quit, but somehow I went further and never quit. Because of the game of basketball I have gotten the opportunity to travel the country and see new places, creating amazing memories with amazing people, it has given me some of my best friends, and finally, because of the game, I am going to get my college tuition completely paid for. So when they ask me why I play it isn’t because of all the recognition I get and it’s not about the games I won. It’s about the experiences I have made and the opportunities I have received and will be getting from it. Because at the end of the day we are not going to remember the wins or the loses but we are going to remember the relationships we have created.

“Girls Basketball” Regina Queen  CC BY 2.0

My Daily Rant

The biggest thing on my mind today is college. I always find myself thinking about it for various reasons. One reason is I have no clue what I’m looking for in a college. I have no clue how big of school I want to go to, how far away from home i wanna go, I barely know what I want to study!! Then I always have my mom constantly talking to me about it, but I can never answer any of her questions BECAUSE I DO NOT KNOW WHAT I WANT!!!!! Honestly it is a lot of pressure because picking a college is basically picking a new home for 4 years. And I think that that is really scary. Some of my older friends have told me when you go on your visits you’ll know which college is right for you. I just hope they were right.